Ignite the Flame of Your Soul's Journey

Ignite the Flame of Your Soul’s Journey
4-Week Exploration of Nature-Based Rituals for Everyday Life


Connect with the power of ritual in your everyday life as a devotional remedy
and change catalyst for waking up in our modern world.

Now Available On-Demand!
Special Rate for Attendees
of Crones, Hags and Elder Wise Women of Power Summit:
$60 USD
expires December 31, 2024

Intuitive Ritual, Expressive Movement,
+ Healing Modalities to Ignite Energetic Flow, Awaken to Life + Embrace Your Wholeness

Tune into your intuition, shed people pleasing tendencies, and increase your intuitive capacity through mind-body somatic tools, practices, and storytelling.

Learn how to shed limiting core beliefs, step away from outdated social constructs and step into your highest self with integrity and freedom.

Trust in your process. Build courage to connect with Shadow work as the Life Gate into personal transformation.

Through yoga, shamanic trance dance, chakra awakening, breathwork, meditation, journey work, altar creation, planetary cosmology, mystical teachings, and creative assignments – we will honour and embrace the authentic cycle of life you currently find yourself in.

Activate personal daily soul care rituals in alignment with the elemental intelligence of air, fire, water, earth, and ether.

Calling the soul-workers, the healers, caregivers, artists, and the heart and soul changemakers – let us come together in a kindred community and nourish the truest essence of our evolution, and each other, in body-mind and spirit.

Reveal the narratives, conditioning and patterns that block your capacity to feel rested, inspired, spaciousness and free.

We will honour personal and collective grief – alongside limitless love as interchangeable guides.

This original offering is the culmination of Mara Branscombe’s 30 years of embodied Soul work trainings, teachings and integrated somatic practices.

  • Sessions are live + recorded + sent to all participants.
  • Mid-week bonus content will arrive in your inbox each Wednesday.
  • Course members get access to a community platform to share insights and inspirations from others.

+ What to Expect :

Week 1
Ground + Anchor

Honouring Earth Wisdom through Ritual, Celebrating Gaia’s Goddess Power, Regulating Nervous Systems, and Clearing Fear to Activate Abundance Mindset

Week 2
Flow + Flourish

Awaken the flow state of creativity, clear blockages or “stuckness” through vocal clearing + water rituals, attune to Intuitive- Sage wisdom, work with ancestral or inherited guilt for liberation, letting go as a sacred practice.

Week 3
Ignite + Transfigure

Empower self-worth through soul service, shed toxic mind loops, ignite divine feminine + sacred masculine channels to harmonize dreams and goals, ignite personal radiance as a daily practice, real deal manifest mindsets, protection practices + fire rituals + transfiguration tools.

Week 4
Soar + Source

Reveal the narratives that block your capacity to feel rested, spaciousness and free. Release the productivity + addiction wound to stress. Soar to your fullest wingspan + welcome in a deeper connection to Love as the source of life. Work with grief + self-love as allies on your path. Welcome in your helping and compassionate guides. Activate rituals to reclaim authentic, limitless love + walk the path up spirit mountain with deep compassion. Trust in your process, build courage, and become the change you want to be.

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NOTE : You Can Also Gift This Course To a Loved One!


Pricing :
$60 USD until December 31, 2024


A lovely month of commitment to meditation, breathing, journaling, writing prayer poems.  Each morning was truly a time of soul-care, a time for self-care, guided by Mara’s soft, soothing, calm voice. I never felt alone; a true collective movement.

Deborah Sesich

Being guided by your spiritual journey, has for me, been to awaken, illuminate and clarify that which is foreground for me at this time; a fruitful offering, unearthing my truth and allowing me to prepare the ground for when the wind blows I can harness its zephyrs which carry new life.  Now I know, that which before I didn’t know was known to me, so thank you.

Jenny Glithero